
Archive for March 3rd, 2010

It’s not too long ago that if I’m truly honest, I didn’t really know what theology was. I mean, I knew it was about studying the Bible and talking about other complicated things and old monks that I didn’t know anything about, but that was it. I didn’t really understand it. It’s only really been the last year that I have come to discover for myself that it is in fact not dry and deadly boring, but quite the opposite. It’s the most exciting thing possible.

It’s simply about knowing God better and loving Jesus more.

Isn’t that something that all Christians should want more of!?

Theologians aren’t old men with beards, or geeks that went to posh universities, but include all people that know about God, think about God and make statements about God. If you’re a Christian, that means you too. We’re all theologians. True, some are more able theologians than others, but we’re all theologians nonetheless.

That really makes me excited. It makes it so easy! ‘Knowing God better and loving Jesus more’?! I can do that!

I’m so excited by the fact that there is so much more to know than I know now, and that it’s good stuff! In the past I was content to plod along being an average Christian, knowing only what I considered was ‘enough’.  But through my study I’m beginning to realise that knowing God really is the best thing ever. We were created to know him and be in relationship with him. That’s why other things don’t satisfy our souls like we want them to: He is the only one that can truly fill us. It’s a very hard thing to learn and yet an enormous relief and joy at the same time. Reading John Piper’s ‘Don’t waste your life’ I had to be honest with myself and acknowledge that if I am living for anything other than Christ I am wasting my life. Only when Christ is our ultimate desire can we be satisfied. That means, although it’s hard, it’s actually in my own best interest to set aside my idols of self, of marriage, of achievement, of comfort. In order to have life to the full in Christ, I have to be willing to fling away, to die to, the things of this world.

I want to know more of this satisfying love and mercy. I want to know how it works. But I don’t just want to know about God, I want to know God. Head knowledge of God is no good if it doesn’t also touch my heart and move me, changing me to become more like Christ.

People reading this may already know me, but for the sake of those that don’t: I’m not some big, clued-up know it all, I’m just a normal girl. If I can do this and find it amazing, so can you. Theology Network is my new favourite website, go and take a look at it. It doesn’t matter whether you know very little, or you already know a lot, there’s something for everyone and it’s easy and accessible. I’d recommend it to all of you. Sometimes I read the articles. Sometimes I even sob at them. Sometimes I just put a talk or two on my ipod and listen to them as I walk into town. Try it yourself.

Theology is knowing God better, and knowing God better is a wonderful thing.

It’s the best thing.

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